Ian Fuller, Elder

Ian was born in 1971 in a small village in Buckinghamshire, UK, but the majority of his childhood was spent in Truro, Cornwall. During this time he was brought up to go to church, attending local Anglican churches.

The Lord intervened in his life and he was born again whilst studying for a Geography degree at the University of

Wales in Aberystwyth in 1991, as the Lord used the witness and testimony of Bible believing Christians in the University Christian Union. He spent a year or so in a charismatic Anglican church in Aberystwyth before being given a greater hunger for the word of God and desire for true spiritual worship, at which point the Lord led him to Alfred Place Baptist Church towards the end of 1992. He and his then fiancée, Katherine, were baptised in June 1993 and became church members, prior to being married in July of the same year.

After three and a half years under Geoff Thomas' ministry whilst completing a doctorate (PhD) in Earth Science at Aberystwyth, he finally entered the workforce as a University Lecturer in Physical Geography at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1996. After an initial period at Welbeck Road Evangelical Church in Newcastle, Ian and Katherine settled at Langley Park Baptist Church in early 1997 where they became members and served the Lord under Alan Brunton's ministry until August 2003 when the Lord brought them to New Zealand.

Ian was appointed to a lectureship at Massey University in September 2003, where he is now Professor in Physical Geography and Associate Dean Research. Initially he and the family attended Palmerston North Reformed Church, however the Lord laid upon their hearts the need for a Reformed Baptist work here. Grace Reformed Baptist Fellowship began on 13 February 2005 at Kelvin Grove Community Centre, when the Fuller family met with initially one other family for public worship. The Lord added to the number, and sovereignly overruled in every circumstance to bring about Grace Reformed Baptist Church which was formally constituted on 22 July 2006. Soli Deo Gloria! The church subsequently moved the location of its meetings and changed its name to Crosspoint Church.

In 2018 Ian was appointed as a visiting Professor of Apologetics at the IRBS Seminary in Mansfield, Texas, USA.

Ian's spare time interests include tramping, cycling, running and gardening with occasional skiing and squash when the opportunities arise.

Ian & Kath have two sons, Ioan and Steffan.